MobileOne Technology is the ultimate solutions partner for organisations seeking to power their growth and streamline their operations. With complete end-to-end Route-To-Market solutions, your organisation can benefit from comprehensive applications and platforms that are customisable and flexible to meet your unique requirements.
What sets MobileOne Technology apart is their years of experience and deep insights into the FMCG/CPG industry. Their experts have worked with countless companies and installed thousands of proven solutions, giving them a thorough understanding of the challenges faced by CPG/FMCG companies. Their tailored solutions are designed to help your organisation overcome these challenges, making MobileOne Technology the ideal partner for those seeking to succeed in the competitive world of business.

MobileOne Technology's SaaS model is a game-changer for organisations seeking quick and affordable solutions. With their cloud-based offerings, clients can quickly implement solutions and reap the benefits in a short period of time. Whether you're looking to streamline operations or grow your business, MobileOne Technology's SaaS solutions are a hassle-free way to achieve your goals without expensive investments in hardware or software. Get started today and experience the benefits of MobileOne Technology's innovative solutions.
Benny Toh

Benny Toh

 Founder / CEO
Benny Toh is an innovative entrepreneur who has transformed his company, Mobile One Technology Sdn. Bhd. (mOne), from a primarily field service solutions provider to an end-to-end Route-to-Market (RTM) mobility solutions company. With a deep insight gleaned from years of knowhow in the inner workings and requirements of Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) and Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) industries, Benny has guided mOne to become a leading enterprise mobility solutions provider with comprehensive end to end Route to Market solutions and platforms in Asia and beyond. His dedication to innovation and customer-centric approach have earned mOne numerous awards and accolades.

Benny's dedication to excellence and innovation has been recognized by industry peers and clients alike, with mOne winning numerous awards and accolades, including the 'APAC CIO Outlook 10 Most Promising Field Services Solutions Provider – 2017,' cementing mOne's position as a leading provider of end-to-end Route-to-Market mobility solutions.