Due to the advances in the technological and field service sector, companies have started using field force management softwares to manage their field force with ease and efficiency. The future of field force management directs us to a balanced use of technologies that will enhance the field activities and improve the promoters work experiences.
Changing Trends in Field Force Management:
The technologies in field force management arena make it possible for the promoters to improve their on-field efficiencies through AI and ML enabled applications in field service management softwares. Predictions of the requirements of field force and services are made through the use of data and in this way other technologies like Artificial Robots, Artificial Intelligence etc. are being used by the field service companies.
This trend in the business environment enables the field force management software providing companies to improve according to the needs and demands of brands.
There is a rising need of personalized brand experiences and engagements in the area of field force and field service management. The customer data flows from multiple channels such as e-mails, social media etc. and brands need to analyse each customer’s data across each of their experiences. After this data is provides a basis of marketing and sales decisions the brand sees a rapid growth in sales and there is improvement in customer service.
Mobile devices play a crucial role in in field force activities, so field force software providing companies need to stay up to date with the mobility factor. Wearables are also being adopted thus becoming another aspect that these companies are catering to such as augmented reality glasses that improve on-site field service agents efficiency.
When field force management software solutions embrace all of the above mentioned trends and become tech-savvy, the area of field services will evolve and revolutionize. So if you are looking for a field service management solution that embraces all of the above mentioned trends, the MobileOne Technology should be your choice. It’s field force management solutions titled mFORCE and mFORCE Lite are well suited for companies belonging to the telecommunication, FMCG and the Pharmaceutical Sector.
To get in touch, kindly e-mail us at sales@mobileone.com.my and we will get back to you.